Pregnancy is a special time when the whole lifestyle of the pregnant mother affects the development of the foetus. In addition to a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, oral health is also very important, which is ensured by careful oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups. During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes, so-called pregnancy gingivitis can develop, which is not abnormal, but requires extra attention to keep your teeth clean! Professional “dental cleaning” is especially recommended at this time. Efforts to maintain healthy teeth and gums not only prevent the development of dental caries and gingivitis during pregnancy, but also provide increased protection against the development of dental caries in the case of the unborn child. Literature shows that babies also receive caries-causing bacteria from the adults who care for them first, which are present in a very small number when good oral hygiene is maintained. This means that children of parents with healthy teeth and good oral hygiene are less likely to develop dental caries in their primary teeth than children of parents whose teeth are neglected. Keeping primary teeth intact is one of the most important ways of ensuring healthy permanent teeth.